The School at the Center of the Future

The project “The School at the Center of the Future” aims to regenerate a central part of the city of Brescia. The masterplan includes constructing a primary school, a secondary school, a Community Hub, and a gymnasium. These are all connected by a park consisting of various activity zones covering approximately 9,000 square meters. The boulevards serve as vital arteries, opening the site on all four sides and connecting it to various surrounding areas.

The Community Hub, featuring a structure composed of a series of barrel vaults, houses the library, FAB LAB, and auditorium. It visually integrates with the park and boulevard. The schools are designed on a single level, facilitating access to outdoor educational activities. They present themselves as a “school open to the landscape.” The primary school is characterized by pitched roofs with an integrated system of photovoltaic panels, while the secondary school unfolds under irregular pitched coverings, allowing for the characterization of the space below.

The island of Hainan is currently planning to transform Lingshui into a model of low-carbon development, recognizing that this transformation will take time. To facilitate this process, a continuous exhibition program is being proposed to showcase the entire transformation journey over time. The Low Carbon District, located on a 15-hectare land adjacent to the Lingshui amusement park, will focus on biodiversity, sustainable energy production and management, smart city networks, electric and lightweight mobility, community building, phytodepuration, and sustainable tree planting. The district aims to become an experimental hub for the implementation of new sustainable technologies, attracting leading companies in the industry from around the world.

Bergamo Prossima is an urban regeneration project that designs a new space for the city: a place for citizens to meet and for families, the elderly, and students to live. The commercial area on the ground floor is developed inside the preserved buildings while the residential volumes and the RSA draw two large connected green courtyards creating an urban and environmental axis along the north-south axis, which ends in the gardens of Via Martiri di Cefalonia crossing the building that houses the student residence. The project maximizes the use of the existing volumes for an SL of 25,000 sqm, reducing the footprint and increasing the green and social spaces.

The XPORT VILLAGE project is a connecting space between the local inhabitants and the global network of innovators and creatives from all over China and the world. The rural dimension of the village suggests a “slow” lifestyle suitable for the contemporary creative profession, but which is able to dialogue and stay in touch with the “fast” pace of the city and its creators, operators, communicators, companies and international public. The spaces are articulated in open courtyards facing the natural elements and are developed along the waterway and on the northern edge of the village. The three open courtyards are linked by two elements that create a distinctive urban sign: the portico and the archives system. A structure that makes the tradition and cultural background of local and global knowledge available to the innovators living in XPORT VILLAGE, and at the same time is able to communicate and transmit it worldwide.

A feasibility study whose objectives include qualifying the Stadio Picco for the Serie A championship, reorganizing the service areas around the stadium in order to raise the quality standards of the facility, and redefining the urban role of the Stadio Picco and its relationship with the city.

The main points of the project consist in the demolition of the current grandstand with the construction of a new one on two floors able to accommodate 5,500 seats without barriers; the provision of all services, offices, skybox; the implementation of the capacity of the curve Piscina to over 3,300 seats and the new coverage of the Stadium.

The project for the new headquarters of the judicial offices of Catania, designed with Progetto CMR, treats building and public space with a holistic approach, thus establishing an indissoluble relationship between these two elements together with the urban and natural context. A city waterfront embedded between the sea and Etna.  The shape of the open courtyard reinterprets a building typology typical of Catania’s historical center and declines it in the site by opening the block towards the landscape and lifting part of the volume from the ground. To the simple composition of volumes corresponds a clear organization of the program, designed to be extremely functional and meet the needs of efficiency, safety and separation of the public flows from those of the employees. Taking advantage of the topography of the site, courtrooms and gardens are arranged on terraces sloping down towards the sea. The strong integration of the building with the landscape and with the public space gives a new aura to the exercise of justice: while maintaining its authoritative and institutional profile, it is deprived of the most intimidating aspects by emphasizing its civic and collective value. 

Milano Animal City is an exhibition/research curated by the students of the Urbanism and Urban Design courses 2015 and 2016 at Politecnico di Milano by profs. Stefano Boeri and Michele Brunello. Milano Animal City presents suggestions and visions for the ri-colonisation by animal and vegetal species of the milanese urban environment. Milano Animal City looks, indeed, to the city of Milan starting from the point of view of the animals that inhabit it, designing new spaces of reciprocity among human and animal species.

The new General Regulatory Plan of Pordenone arises from the desire and urgency to rethink the riches of the territory and the best way to exploit them for the benefit of the community. The reflections start from the realization that within the urban economy land rent no longer exists. The growth of a city must therefore draw on different resources. The Pordenone plan therefore focuses on the use of energy sources, considering them not as a single user but as a network. This attitude, together with the recovery of disused urban systems that are part of the system, means that there are important environmental consequences, favoring the growth of the city.

The project “Medusozoa – Trieste waterfront” articulates a proposal and re-launches the debate on possible interventions for Porto Vecchio in Trieste, in the light of the economic, social, political and technological conditions of the contemporary world. The strategy proposed by the project overturns the canons of the past by cynically assuming the most unfavorable socio-economic conditions of the contemporary crisis and making them the prerequisites of the project, but adopting pragmatic and innovative strategies with an ideal push and vision on the future through the complex metaphor of the Medusa as social activators.

Special edition of the T + A Magazine entitled “Expo as Eco-driver from Shanghai to Milan”.

Architect Michele Brunello contributed with the article “Expolis, A Space-time Journey in Expo Past, Present and Future Milestones.

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