Casa del Popolo

The redevelopment project of the building includes two possible versions: a conservative one and an innovative one. Both proposals aim to change the intended use of the building, from a directional to a receptive one. In the conservative option the building conceived as a student residence, has 67 rooms total to accommodate 101 guests. In the innovative option you get 66 accommodations for 75 beds.

The design concept is based on the development of a new housing typology, an apartment conceived in 10 size, that, combined in different ways, generates three types of buildings. The apartments have a structure based on a module aggregated according to the square meters of the typology. When the apartments are join together, they generate buildings in order to respect these values: sustainability and eco-compatibility, flexibility maximization of natural lighting, inexpensiveness, presence of collective spaces.

Within the program of interventions for the redevelopment of the facilities of the Angelo Moratti Sports Center in Appiano Gentile, takes shape the project for the new players and the technical staff of FC Internazionale residence.

The project involves the construction of a new building structured in two bodies connected to each other.

The intervention frees up the spaces inside the existing buildings to create a series of spaces dedicated to the media, sponsors and guests of the company.

The “Residential Park” of Lodi becomes an experimental district constructed with innovative sustainable advanced systems and low power consumption. Furthermore it is a new urban organism that connects very different social realities and systems. This area has an high density concentration of activities, typical of cities’ centre, with the aim of minimizing the use of the ground and creating free, green, public spaces. The aim is to create an high quality living space for the city of Lodi, with a new concept of centrality, an innovative way of living in contact with green spaces and being, at the same time, so close to the centre of Milan thanks to the railway lines.

Casa Bosco is a project for low-cost, fast-construction, housing units prefabricated in wood. Derived from a concept of low density infill housing that is configured through the combination of series of  modules the project presents a series of distinctive characteristics.

The extensive use of wood permits the activation of the complete production chain that within the Milanese area moves an articulated system of small and medium sized companies. The project foresees the creation of a protocol of environmental compensation that can activate a cycle of production and consumption of energy that does not produce waste.

A Vertical Forest is the book that speaks about the project that has since become, even before it was finished, one of Milan’s most emblematic buildings. An attempt to introduce a concept to architecture that, until now, has been completely disconnected: biodiversity. The Vertical Forest is not only a building to be inhabited by humans, but also by other creatures such as birds and insects, who have been driven out of our cities by the unstoppable dominance of cement.

Maggiolina’s masterplan is a project of urban regeneration that intervenes through demolition and reconstruction on an abandoned area, the former Il Giorno typographies, going to create a residential park. On over 10 thousand square meters of surface, in fact, 7000 square meters have been used as a green space. The two buildings, Sky tower and Maggiolina Gardens, are designed with a combination of different typological units in strong relationship with the exterior, aimed at obtaining a feeling of openness of the luminous space and environmental comfort.

The agricultural areas have assumed an unprecedented importance today compared to the past: they contain natural resources, they are ecological corridor, a space in which to achieve a qualitative growth of society and a balanced development of the territory.

The proposal for an agricultural and environmental regeneration of Borgo Canali is the first case study of Reggio Emilia and there will be some high quality housing units constructed with prefabrication advanced techniques, ecological compensation systems and low emissions production.

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