Designing effectively a new residential intervention in Milan today requires a careful reflection on the transformations that are, for some time now, affecting city.

In this sense, the proposed project aims to define and develop an “elastic” device capable of responding to the demands of today and at the same time to react and transform over time, throughout the development of the project, until the construction phase. A project, therefore, that strongly defines a clear settlement system in which the park, at the center of the lot, is the pivot that articulates the distribution of residential buildings able, for their characteristics and modularity, to adapt their sizes and distribution in a progressive path of definition of the best possible configuration.

Corte Certosa is designed to host a community of inhabitants with heterogeneous lifestyles, who find in the central courtyard of the park the place to meet, even unexpectedly, to get to know each other and to collaborate.

Bergamo Prossima is an urban regeneration project that designs a new space for the city: a place for citizens to meet and for families, the elderly, and students to live. The commercial area on the ground floor is developed inside the preserved buildings while the residential volumes and the RSA draw two large connected green courtyards creating an urban and environmental axis along the north-south axis, which ends in the gardens of Via Martiri di Cefalonia crossing the building that houses the student residence. The project maximizes the use of the existing volumes for an SL of 25,000 sqm, reducing the footprint and increasing the green and social spaces.

The XPORT VILLAGE project is a connecting space between the local inhabitants and the global network of innovators and creatives from all over China and the world. The rural dimension of the village suggests a “slow” lifestyle suitable for the contemporary creative profession, but which is able to dialogue and stay in touch with the “fast” pace of the city and its creators, operators, communicators, companies and international public. The spaces are articulated in open courtyards facing the natural elements and are developed along the waterway and on the northern edge of the village. The three open courtyards are linked by two elements that create a distinctive urban sign: the portico and the archives system. A structure that makes the tradition and cultural background of local and global knowledge available to the innovators living in XPORT VILLAGE, and at the same time is able to communicate and transmit it worldwide.

The project answers the question “How can design improve the urban environment, the city and our life?”

Red Star Design Park defines a new model for a new lifestyle based on design 4.0, which contains principles of sharing and circular economy and good design practices. The overlapping masterplan: A structure composed of public functions gathered in flexible pavilions, the grouping of a community with different lifestyles that benefits from innovative community services, the design of a large green park.

The project for the renovation of the Varesello Sports Center consists of the redevelopment of existing playgrounds and the construction of four new buildings: two changing rooms, one of which will host a grandstand, a large residence for sportsmen and a small changing room with bar for external users. The project aims to reorganize all the elements and the adjacent park in a unitary system, a raised walkway organizes the distribution and constitutes the visual signal that characterizes the project.



The strong agricultural vocation of the island of Sant’Erasmo, which in the recent past could be seen as a threat to the survival of the territory and a limit to development, today becomes the engine for the rediscovery of new social, economic and educational models. DONTSTOP architecture works towards the rediscovery of these values ​​thus outlining a model for the development and conservation of global periurban rural territories.

The new General Regulatory Plan of Pordenone arises from the desire and urgency to rethink the riches of the territory and the best way to exploit them for the benefit of the community. The reflections start from the realization that within the urban economy land rent no longer exists. The growth of a city must therefore draw on different resources. The Pordenone plan therefore focuses on the use of energy sources, considering them not as a single user but as a network. This attitude, together with the recovery of disused urban systems that are part of the system, means that there are important environmental consequences, favoring the growth of the city.

The acquisition of the Trotto Park  allows the expansion of all the support spaces for the spectators. The main body of the tribunes of the old horse-riding structure becomes the new east entrance to the stadium overlooking a large theme park. The Masterplan includes large sales areas for the team’s products, a new stadium museum and different fan catering offerings are the central functional program of a new large sports center, integrated with the stadium, capable of attracting public not only during events held in San Siro.

The project for the Lambro Park sports facility includes a circular cycle path that, in addition to being a connection structure for the various playgrounds envisaged by the project, becomes an opportunity to create and connect different areas and different uses. At the center of the connection path is the green area equipped for recreational and play activities for children. Adjacent to the existing building of the common services and near the space intended to host the bowling alley is the common area for families.

The project “Medusozoa – Trieste waterfront” articulates a proposal and re-launches the debate on possible interventions for Porto Vecchio in Trieste, in the light of the economic, social, political and technological conditions of the contemporary world. The strategy proposed by the project overturns the canons of the past by cynically assuming the most unfavorable socio-economic conditions of the contemporary crisis and making them the prerequisites of the project, but adopting pragmatic and innovative strategies with an ideal push and vision on the future through the complex metaphor of the Medusa as social activators.

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